Optimal Source, Placement and Application Timing for Yield and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Footprint for Canola Production on Light Texture Soils

Agronomic Practices  Agronomy Research 
Start Date
End Date
Principal Investigator
Mario Tenuta - University of Manitoba
Xiaopeng Gao - University of Manitoba
MCGA Funding
Total Project Funding
External Funding Partners
Project Ongoing...

Research Objective

Seven main areas in which nitrogen use efficiency of fertilizer will be studied:

  • its placement (ex. how does surface application of double inhibitor granular urea (SuperU) compare to shallow banding of the granular area and the recommended placement of deep banding of urea?)
  • as a nitrogen source for shallow banding
  • nitrification inhibition for deep banding
  • fall and spring application
  • split application
  • placement of in-season nitrogen
  • inhibiting ammonia loss with top-dressing

Project Description

Fertilizer nitrogen is incredibly effective in increasing yield in canola, but it is costly and produces greenhouse gases. Canada has an international commitment to reduce in greenhouse gases, in which canola production will be constrained by N application rates, jeopardizing the 52 bu/ac by 2025 target. This study will build upon previous work using 4R Nutrient Management to optimize the rate, source, placement and timing of fertilizer N addition to canola for improved profitability and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically through six field trials on commercial fields, the project will provide recommendations to growers such as:

  • how does surface application of double inhibitor granular urea (SuperU) compare to shallow banding of granular urea and the recommended placement of deep banding of urea?
  • is there an advantage in using SuperU or controlled release granular urea (ESN blend) compare to granular urea when shallow banding?
  • is there an advantage to inhibiting nitrification (eNtrench, and new product, DMPSA) when deep banding granular urea?
  • can enhanced efficiency granular urea products and band placement of fall applied N match the benefit of spring application of N?
  • is there an advantage to splitting N application to at planting and in-season compared to just at planting?
  • does it matter if in-season N dressing of UAN is top-dressed by surface streaming or side-dressed by injection
  • is there a benefit of using the new ammonia volatilization inhibitor, Anvol, to top-dress UAN?

The results from this project will thus provide a win-win situation for canola growers and the environment in term of agricultural productivity and greenhouse gas mitigation. By paying attention to communication to growers, and their practical considerations such as profitability, yield, feasibility and ease of practice use, the target is for growers to adopt the developed practices while reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the same time.

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